Eleventh Series
Online Classes

Plenty mobility, stability, core and gluts. First class we are going to touch on fundamentals. Quality over quantity. Building solid foundation for more advanced exercises.
Price: 4 euro

Gentle sequence touching on basics, slow flow.Grounding Yoga practice which will suite any level practitioner.
Price: 3 euro
tenth Series
Online Classes

Functional Movement blended with Yoga and Pilates!
Price: 4 euro
Ninth Series
Online Classes

Plenty mobility, stability, core and gluts. First class we are going to touch on fundamentals. Quality over quantity. Building solid foundation for more advanced exercises.
Price: 4 euro
Gentle sequence touching on basics, slow flow.Grounding Yoga practice which will suite any level practitioner.
Price: 3 euro

Eight Series
Online Classes

Plenty mobility, stability, core and gluts. First class we are going to touch on fundamentals. Quality over quantity. Building solid foundation for more advanced exercises.
Price: 4 euro
Gentle sequence touching on basics, slow flow.Grounding Yoga practice which will suite any level practitioner.
Price: 3 euro

Seventh Series
Online Classes

Plenty mobility, stability, core and gluts. First class we are going to touch on fundamentals. Quality over quantity. Building solid foundation for more advanced exercises.
Price: 4 euro
Gentle sequence touching on basics, slow flow.Grounding Yoga practice which will suite any level practitioner.
Price: 3 euro

Sixth Series
Online Classes

Plenty mobility, stability, core and gluts. First class we are going to touch on fundamentals. Quality over quantity. Building solid foundation for more advanced exercises.
Price: 4 euro
Gentle sequence touching on basics, slow flow.Grounding Yoga practice which will suite any level practitioner.
Price: 3 euro

Fifth Series
Online Classes

Plenty mobility, stability, core and gluts. First class we are going to touch on fundamentals. Quality over quantity. Building solid foundation for more advanced exercises.
Price: 4 euro
Gentle sequence touching on basics, slow flow.Grounding Yoga practice which will suite any level practitioner.
Price: 3 euro

Fourth Series
Online Classes

Plenty mobility, stability, core and gluts. First class we are going to touch on fundamentals. Quality over quantity. Building solid foundation for more advanced exercises.
Price: 4 euro
Gentle sequence touching on basics, slow flow.Grounding Yoga practice which will suite any level practitioner.
Price: 3 euro

Third Series
Online Classes

Plenty mobility, stability, core and gluts. First class we are going to touch on fundamentals. Quality over quantity. Building solid foundation for more advanced exercises.
Price: 4 euro
Gentle sequence touching on basics, slow flow.Grounding Yoga practice which will suite any level practitioner.
Price: 3 euro

Second Series
Online Classes

Plenty mobility, stability, core and gluts. First class we are going to touch on fundamentals. Quality over quantity. Building solid foundation for more advanced exercises.
Price: 4 euro
Gentle sequence touching on basics, slow flow.Grounding Yoga practice which will suite any level practitioner.
Price: 3 euro

First Series
Online Classes

Plenty mobility, stability, core and gluts. First class we are going to touch on fundamentals. Quality over quantity. Building solid foundation for more advanced exercises.
Price: 4 euro
Gentle sequence touching on basics, slow flow.Grounding Yoga practice which will suite any level practitioner.
Price: 3 euro

what I am going to receive ?
You are going to receive link to privet youtube video on SAME EMAIL WHICH YOU ARE USING on your PAYPAL.
If you like to get link on different email adress please send me message before you pay at kasiaferenczuk@gmail.com
how often you be posting videos?
Every week, each video has to be purchased separately.
No. Video is Only for you.
when I will recive video
Maximum within 12 hours from minute I received payment.