In a Yoga class you will work out every muscle in your body equally, incorporating different breathing techniques to let go of emotional and physical tensions. Asanas (poses) are held for many breaths to ensure you are stretching and releasing your fascia. Yoga practice helps transform and silence the mind, develops body awareness, muscular strength and balance.
Yoga vs. static streaching
,,Yoga is shown to have a greater effect on range of motion at the shoulder and hip than static stretching in a healthy population. With further positive results, yoga may prove to have an important therapeutic role with joint restrictions.”
Study done by International Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation LINK
Yoga combines static stretching with dynamic and moving stretches as well as balance and strength.
- enhance the speed of nerve impulses
- lubricate your joints
- increases flexibility
- increases muscle strength and tone
- prevents cartilage and join breakdown
- Improved respiration, energy and vitality
- relaxes your nervous system
- cardio and circulatory health
- improves athletic performance.
- protection from injury.
Aerial Yoga
Aerial Yoga also known as Trapeze Yoga, Swing Yoga or Anti-gravity Yoga, is a blend of traditional yoga, dance, pilates, suspension fitness and aerial arts. This innovative movement technique is designed to improve one’s overall wellbeing, strength and flexibility while having fun and flying free. You are also strengthening, toning, decompressing the spine, releasing tension, rejuvenating and restoring your entire physical, mental and emotional-self.