Strong and flexible muscles go hand-in-hand with golf game. At some stage every golfer stars to realise that in order to lower handicap and stay injury free you need to get in shape!
Not any workout will target performance in golf.
What you need is: program specifically targeting the muscles you use on the course and golf-specific.
Firstly posture analysis Static and Dynamic,
to see if there is any physical limitations which could affect your swing also to check your :
- stability,
- balance,
- flexibility,
- muscle strength,
- ability to disassociate and integrate the torso and hips at the right times.
- ability to force transmission
- rotatory movement and rotatory power
Secondly Swing Analysis
That gives me information about golfer’s:
-swing mechanics and characteristics,
-posture type.
Then I am able to identifying player’s limitations, movement quality and physical fitness and then create a plan which is unique for the player to achieve an efficient swing based on what he can physically do.
Golf fitness program includes :
- warm up
- integration and stability exercises
- general strength
- rotatory movement exercises
- rotatory power development exercises
- abdominal exercises
- stretches
also if required
- warm up before round of golf
- cool downs after round of golf