Contraindications for Face-Lift Massage skin inflammations (allergic and infectious), pustular and purulent acne, active rosacea, highly vascular skin, impetigo discontinuity of the epidermis, dermatological diseases gums inflammation, changes in the tooth area, fresh tooth extractions, any oral diseases pregnancy, fever, flu conditions, enlarged lymph nodes, cancers, conditions after their surgical treatment, nodules of unknown origin,aneurysms,hypertension,severe heart disease,suspicion of a myocardial infarction,heart defects,advanced atherosclerosis,thrombosis,severe allergic conditions,an overactive thyroid gland (neck massage),lymphoma,specialised treatment,trigeminal nerve palsy or its branches,aesthetic medicine treatments:Botox 2 weeks,Thread 6 monthsHyaluronic acid injections and fillers 3 months,mental disorders.